
  Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday
9.00-10.00 Registration Mayordomo Agostini Fiori Carones
10.00-10.30 Coffee break Coffee break Coffee break Coffee break
10.30-11.30 Ehrhard Gehrke Müller Ciardelli
11.40-12.40 Contributed talks Contributed talks Contributed talks Contributed talks
12.40-14.30 Lunch break Lunch break Lunch break Lunch break
14.30-16.10 Contributed talks Contributed talks Contributed talks --
16.10-16.40 Coffee break Coffee break Coffee break --
16.40-17.40 Lupini AILA General Meeting Vignati --
17.40-18.40 -- AILA General Meeting -- --

Click here to download the scientific programme and schedule (schedule and abstract for contributed talks coming soon).

The conference dinner will be on Thursday.