Room 1
Room 2
Room 3
Guido Gherardi
Luca Carai
Paolo Maffezioli
Computability of the Whitney Extension Theorems
A calculus for modal compact Hausdorff spaces
Consequentia mirabilis as strong stability
Gian Marco Osso
Thomas Agotnes
Miguel Martinis
The Galvin-Prikry theorem in the Weihrauch lattice
Non-Monotonic Modal Logics: The Interpolation Rule
Bi-Intermediate Logics of Co-Trees: Local Finiteness and Decidability
Manlio Valenti
Giulia Battilotti
Quotients in the Weihrauch degrees
Psychoanalytic Theory and Logic
Luca San Mauro
Stefano Bonzio
Cipriano J Cioffo
Decision problems of group and semigroups as equivalence relations
On the structure of balanced residuated posets
Fibrations, quotient completions and descents in foundations of constructive mathematics
Vittorio Cipriani
Fosco Loregian
Michele Contenente
Learning isomorphism problems with countably many isomorphism types
The fibration of algebras
On the Compatibility of Constructive Predicative Theories with Weyl's Classical Predicativity
Andrea Volpi
Sebastian Speitel
Pietro Sabelli
Reverse mathematics and dimension of posets
Logic, Logicality, and Arithmetical Determinacy
A topological reading of (co)inductive definitions
Gabriele Buriola
Matteo Spadetto
Iosif Petrakis
Ordinal Analysis of Well-Ordering Principles
Higher dimensional semantics of propositional theories of dependent types
Constructive Stone representations for separated swap and Boolean algebras
Valentino Delle Rose
Simone Ramello
On the complexity of some topological properties in highly computable graphs
Valued difference fields beyond surjectivity